Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chiaroscuro class so far.


noun \-ˈskyr-(ˌ)ō, -ˈskr-\
plural -ros
1: pictorial representation in terms of light and shade without regard to color
2 : the arrangement or treatment of light and dark parts in a pictorial work of art
Italian, from chiaro clear, light + oscuro obscure, dark
I'm taking a double-intensity (half-length, so two separate units due per week) Chiaroscuro class during the summer semester at Academy of Art University (online).  We're coming up on the midterm mark, so I wanted to share some of the pieces that have come about so far.  
We're working in charcoal... I have always HATED charcoal, with its scratchy noises and messy dust.  A case of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis just waiting to happen, if you ask me.  But the scratchy, icky, filthy stuff is starting to grow on me.  My value vision is getting much stronger, and I'm getting used to the tricks of moving the mess around on the page to make it do what I want.  I'm starting to really enjoy myself, and getting excited about the rest of the class!

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