Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Big Blue Life Drawing - 9/10/2011

I have a HUGE stack of life drawings from the last month or so... have never drawn as much as I have since I've been teaching this Drawing & Anatomy class.  I've got them all scanned, but need some time to photoshop and collage them up... but in the interest of posting something, here's my very favorite piece of life drawing, possibly ever, from this last Saturday.  I've been using the manila yellow paper for quite a while, and hadn't busted out the fancy Canson Mi-Tientes in quite a while... I was thrilled with how this came out though.  There was a strange burst of light as I was starting with the white pencil (some sort of reflection of the sun off a windshield outside, I suspect) that cast the stripes from the window blinds across the model.  Nice to catch a special lighting moment by accident!

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