Friday, October 7, 2011


Holy crap... I have some great big good news to share.

As many of you know, I painted a digital caricature of Conan O'Brien back on New Year's Day for a sort of open fan-art competition, where they displayed people's submissions on the show, between commercial breaks.  My piece was chosen and aired on Tuesday, May 17, 2011.  It was an incredible and important moment for me.

Yesterday (October 5) I was contacted by an agency on behalf of Conan's show, to let me know that in coordination with his upcoming week of NYC-filmed episodes (, they are putting on a gallery show of Conan Fan Art at the Time Warner Center on Columbus Circle in New York.  My piece was chosen as one of their favorite 50 to be exhibited at the event!  It will be printed and framed, and in this gallery show for 11 days starting October 24th. :O

Apparently the show's staff kinda liked my painting, as it was selected to appear on some of the signage advertising the show as well.  SO EVERYONE - watch the Conan show on TBS all week starting on Halloween, and you just might see my picture on the show again - but bigger this time!  I'll keep everyone posted as I find out more details, Brooke and I are definitely going to figure out a way to make the trip up there to see the display.

Here's the original piece again,  in case you haven't seen it, or just want another glimpse.

Like I said... holy crap.  NYCOCOMOCA for the win!  Somebody pinch me...

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